Friday, July 23, 2010

I Need More Followers!

Come on guys... A month in and I've only got NINE regular followers?  I've got a load of articles lined up for publication, but the lack of interest is making me very, very sad.  If I don't get more followers soon, I may have to take drastic measures and go beat the shit out of some random person at KMart.  No-one wants that to happen, so please subscribe so I can keep putting out quality content and not have to beat anyone up or smash my expensive TV.  Thanks!

**There are also a few new articles up, please look at the links on the right side of the page and try reading some of them before I take a sledgehammer to my car's windshield.


  1. This has been my least favorite article so far. Step it up Galazin!

  2. This "article" does really suck. I think I may have written it while sleepwalking. "Sleep-typing"
